Operating modes
The EL2202 series offers two different operating modes:
EL2202-0000 (delivery state)
Fast 2-channel 24 V output terminal - writing of outputs is triggered by the EtherCAT frame.
The output data are written as soon as an EtherCAT frame has transferred data for the respective EL2202-0000 and this frame was verified as valid after it has passed through the EL2202-0000. This means that the output time depends on the low jitter of the EtherCAT frame.
No other settings are required at the terminal.
Two EL2202-0000 are operated side by side. Both are cyclically supplied with output data by the same task every 1 ms. This means that the outputs from the second EL2202-0000 would always be a little later than the outputs of the first EL2202-0000. The difference arises from the cumulative cycle times of the EtherCAT frames through the EtherCAT slaves positioned between the two EL2202-0000 and the frame length in µs.
Fast 2-channel 24 V input terminal - writing of outputs is triggered in a highly stable cycle by the local DC clock (distributed clock).
The output data are transferred to the EtherCAT frame once it was verified as valid. The data are only transferred to the power stage with the SYNC0 signal of the ESC, which is cyclically generated by the local distributed clock. The output cycle of the EL2202-0100 is therefore totally independent of the EtherCAT jitter. The variability of the output cycle is within the range of the distributed clock accuracy (< 100 ns).
The task supplying the EL2202-0100 with process data determines the SYNC0 signal cycle of the EL2202-0100. Therefore, if several (PLC) tasks with different cycle times are operated on the same EtherCAT strand, the task supplying the EL2202-0100 with process data determines the output cycle. If two tasks running at different speeds each write to one EL2202-0100 channel, the faster cycle time determines the output cycle.
EL2202-0100 operating mode with distributed clocks In contrast to the EL2202-0000 the EL2202-0100 can only be used with EtherCAT masters that support distributed clocks (DC) (e.g. Beckhoff TwinCAT). To change the mode the fail-safe configuration in the terminal has to be changed. |