Documentation issue statusVersionComment3.8Update chapter “Technical Data”Update structure3.7Update chapter “UL notice”Update structure3.6Update chapter "EL2252 - sample programs"Update structure3.5Update chapter "EL2252 - sample programs"3.4Update chapter "Technical data"Update chapter "EL2252 - sample programs"Update structure3.3Update chapter "Technical data"Addenda chapter "Instructions for ESD protection"3.2Update chapter "Detailed description of application with TwinCAT"Update structure3.1Update chapter "Notes on the documentation"Correction of Technical dataUpdate chapter "TwinCAT 2.1x" -> "TwinCAT Development Environment" and "TwinCAT Quick Start"3.0MigrationUpdate structure2.1Update chapter "Technical data"Addenda chapter "Installation instructions for enhanced mechanical load capacity"Update structure2.0New structureUpdate chapter "Watchdog"1.4Notes on firmware update added; notes on trademarks added1.3Description of sample program added1.2Technical data added, new sample program added1.1Technical data added, sample program added1.0Technical data added0.1Provisional documentation for EL2202, EL2252