Sample program TwinCAT 2
Please continue with further descriptions in sectionTwinCAT Quickstart, TwinCAT 2.TwinCAT Quickstart, TwinCAT 2.
Procedure for starting the program
- After clicking the Download button, save the zip file locally on your hard disk, and unzip the *.TSM (configuration) and the *.PRO (PLC program) files into a temporary working folder.
- The *.pro file can be opened by double click or by the TwinCAT PLC Control application with menu selection “File/ Open”. The *.tsm file is provided for the TwinCAT System Manager (to review or overtake configurations).
- Connect the hardware in accordance with fig. Connection for sample program and connect the Ethernet adapter of your PC to the EtherCAT coupler (further information on this can be found in the corresponding coupler manuals)
- Select the local Ethernet adapter (with real-time driver, if applicable) under System configuration, I/O configuration, I/O devices, Device (EtherCAT); then on the “Adapter” tab choose “Search...”, select the appropriate adapter and confirm (see Fig. Searching the Ethernet adapter + Selection and confirmation of the Ethernet adapter).

- Activate and confirm the configuration (Fig. Activation of the configuration + Confirming the activation of the configuration)

- Confirm new variable mapping, restart in RUN mode (Fig. Generate variable mapping + Restarting TwinCAT in RUN mode)

- In TwinCAT PLC, under the “Project” menu, select “Rebuild all” to compile the project (Fig. Compile project)
- In TwinCAT PLC: log in with the “F11” button, confirm loading the program (Fig. Confirming program start), run the program with the “F5” button