EtherNet/IP Configuration

EtherNet/IP Slave:

EtherNet/IP Configuration 1:
Configuration via HTML pages – EtherNet/IP configuration

EtherNet/IP Device (Slave) - Device Info

All Parameters are “read only” and are for diagnostic purposes

EtherNet/IP Adapter (Slave) – Settings

• Error Confirmation Mode

Select User Confirmation or Automatic Confirmation. Default Setting: User Confirmation

• Ebus Fallback mode

How the Coupler responds to a break in EtherCAT.

Set to Zero, Freeze, Stop Ebus. Default Setting: Set to Zero

• FBus Fallback Mode

How the Coupler responds to a break in the FBus.

Set to Zero, Freeze, Stop Ebus. Default Setting: Set to Zero

• TCP Timeout

Maximum time allowed for Ethernet Connection. Default Setting 30 Seconds

• Unicast TTL (Time To Live)

Used to determine if an Ethernet/IP Frame has been in the network too long and should be discarded

Default Setting 128 Seconds

• Unicast UDP Checksum

Enable/Disable UDP Checksum – Unicast (Frames sent to Single Destination). Checksum is a digit representing the sum of the transmitted data used for error checking.

• Multicast TTL (Time to Live)

Used to determine if an Ethernet/IP Frame has been in the network too long and should be discarded

Default Setting 1 Second

• Multicast UDP Checksum

Enable/Disable UDP Checksum – Multicast (Copies of Frames sent to Multiple Destinations). Checksum is a digit representing the sum of the transmitted data used for error checking.

Ethernet Statistics

EtherNet/IP Configuration 2:
EtherNet Statistics

Ethernet Rx Frames: Received Frames

Ethernet Tx Frames: Transmitted Frames

IP Stack Statistics

EtherNet/IP Configuration 3:
IP Stack Statistics

Ip Frames: A chunk of data sent over a data link

Arp Request: A request by the host wishing to obtain a physical address on a TCP/IP Network

Arp Reply: A unicast response to a broadcast request

Echo Request: Packets sent to a target host waiting for a reply

Echo Reply: Packets sent from a target host stating that it received the echo request

Link Status Changed: Indicates the number of times the state of the physical link has changed

Frame Alloc Fails: Indicates the number of Frame Allocation Fails

Arp Timeout Frames: The number of frames that were sent and not received back in time

Dropped Frames: Indicates the number of dropped frames

Electronic Data Sheet

Create EDS File: Create an Electronic Data Sheet for Use with an EIP Master

Create L5X File: Create UDTs for Input and Output Data (For use with RSLogix 5000 Import Only)

EtherNet/IP Configuration 4:
Pulldown menu "Create generic description (valid for all configurations")