Power supply

Supply of Bus Couplers and Bus Terminals (Us)

The Bus Coupler requires a supply voltage of 24 VDC (-15 %/+20 %) for operation.

The connection is made via the two upper terminal points labelled 24 V and 0 V. This power input supplies the Bus Coupler electronics and, via the E-Bus, the electronics of the EtherCAT Terminals. It is electrically isolated from the peripheral supply (Up) of the power contacts.

In order to guarantee the operation of the Bus Coupler and the terminal segment in all cases, the power supply unit must supply 2 A at 24 V.

Power supply 1:
Bus Coupler power supply

Power contacts supply (Up)

The three power contacts (spring contacts) are located on the right-hand lateral surface of the Bus Coupler. The spring contacts are hidden in slots so that they can not be accidentally touched. When a Bus Terminal is added, its blade contacts are connected to the spring contacts of the Bus Coupler. The tongue and groove guides on the top and bottom of the Bus Terminal Controllers and of the Bus Terminals guarantees that the power contacts mate securely.

The lower six terminal points labelled +, - and PE are for supplying power to the peripheral supply (Up). These terminal points are connected in pairs to a power contact. This power input allows voltages of up to 24 V and is electrically isolated from the Bus Coupler supply voltage (Us).

The connection of these terminal points in pairs enables the supply to be forwarded. The current load of the power contacts may not permanently exceed 10 A. The current carrying capacity between two terminal points is identical to the current carrying capacity of the connecting wires.

The spring-loaded terminal points are designed for wires with cross-sections from 0.08 mm² to 2.5 mm².


If the power supply unit is connected correctly and the power supply is switched on, the two upper LEDs in the terminal prism are green. The left-hand LED (Us) indicates the supply for the Bus Coupler electronics. The right-hand LED (Up) indicates the supply for the power contacts. The other LEDs indicate the state of the E-bus. The detailed meanings of the LED displays are described in the chapter LED displays.

PE power contacts


Power contact PE

The PE power contact must not be used for other potentials.