Setting the mappings for EtherCAT Terminals
Mapping Please note that the settings for the mapping in TwinCAT (GSD file) always take precedence. Deviating settings in the Beckhoff Device Manager are not considered or are overwritten. |
In the Beckhoff Device Manager you can set the mapping for an EtherCAT Terminal, if this EtherCAT Terminal supports different mappings. For the analog EL3062 EtherCAT Terminal, for example, you can choose between Standard mapping and Compact mapping. The choice affects the size and therefore the type of data that is available as process data (see GSD file).
- An EtherCAT Terminal that supports different mappings.
- The Beckhoff Device Manager was already started (see: Starting the Beckhoff Device Manager).
Set the mapping for an EtherCAT Terminal as follows:
- 1. Click on EtherCAT, then on Master.
- 2. Under EtherCAT Slave Mappings all EtherCAT Terminals are displayed, which support other mappings.
- 3. Under EtherCAT Slave Mappings double-click on the EL3062 EtherCAT Terminal and select Standard or Compact mapping.
- You have successfully set the mapping for the EL3062 EtherCAT Terminal. Restart the EK3100 Bus Coupler for the settings to take effect after reboot.
Example for process data (mapping)
Description of the process data Further information on the process data (mapping) for any EtherCAT Terminal can be found in the corresponding documentation. For example, for the EL3062 under: Commissioning > Process data and operation modes> Process data. |
The EL3062 EtherCAT Terminal mentioned above offers two different process data per analog channel for transfer. The analog value Value (16-bit) and status information Status (16-bit). The total for the two analog channels is therefore 64 bits or 8 bytes.
There is a choice of two types of process data in the EL3062:
- Standard: standard setting, Value (16 bit) and status information (8 or 16 bit) are transmitted per channel.
- Compact: only the Value (16 bit) is transmitted per channel.
To obtain a description of the individual bits, add the EtherCAT Terminal to TwinCAT, irrespective of your PROFIBUS configuration, or read the corresponding documentation
Status word
The status word (SW) is located in the input process image, and is transmitted from terminal to the controller.
Bit | SW.15 | SW.14 | SW.13 | SW.12 | SW.11 | SW.10 | SW.9 | SW.8 |
Name | TxPDO | TxPDO | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Bit | SW.7 | SW.6 | SW.5 | SW.4 | SW.3 | SW.2 | SW.1 | SW.0 |
Name | - | ERROR | Limit 2 | Limit 1 | Over-range | Under-range |