Activating the DPV1 service

DPV1 MSAC-C1-READ and DPV1 MSAC-C1-WRITE can be used for read and write access to all COE data. The COE data must allow READ and WRITE access.

For read and write access to COE data, the DPV1 service must be active on the EK3100 Bus Coupler in the parameter data for the EK3100 Bus Coupler. In TwinCAT you can control whether the DPV1 service is active, or you can activate the DPV1 service.


Activate the DPV1 service as follows:

1. In the tree view on the left, double-click on Box 1 (GSD box) (EK3100).
Activating the DPV1 service 1:
2. Click on the tab PrmData (Text).
3. Double-click on the option DPV1 services (class 1) to activate the service.
Activating the DPV1 service 2:
You have successfully activated the DPSV1 service. For virtual slaves, the settings in the parameter data are irrelevant.
In the next step, you can view the structure of the DPV1 telegram.