Input data
Index 60n0 COM Inputs Ch. 1 (n = 0), Ch. 2 (n = 1)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
60n0:0 | COM Inputs Ch. (n+1) | Length of this object | UINT8 | RO | 0x26 (38dec) |
60n0:01 | Transmit accepted | The module acknowledges the receipt of data with a change of state of this bit. Only then are new data transferred from the controller to the module. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:02 | Receive request | By changing the state of this bit, the module notifies the controller that the number of bytes indicated in index 0x60n0:09 "Input length" are located in the DataIn bytes. The controller must acknowledge receipt of the data with a change of state of the "Receive accepted" bit (index 0x70n0:02). Only then is new data transferred from the module to the controller. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:03 | Init Accepted | FALSE: TRUE: | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:04 | Buffer full | The receive FIFO is full. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:05 | Parity error | A parity error has occurred. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:06 | Framing error | A framing error has occurred. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:07 | Overrun error | An overrun error has occurred. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:09 | Input length | Number of input bytes ready for transfer from the module to the controller. | UINT8 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:11 | Data In 0 | Input byte 0 | UINT8 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
… | … | … | … | … | … |
60n0:26 | Data In 21 | Input byte 21 | UINT8 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Index 60n1 Com Ext. Inputs Ch. 1 (n = 0), Ch.2 (n = 1)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
60n1:0 | Com Ext. Inputs Ch.(n+1) | Length of this object | UINT8 | RO | 0x02 (2dec) |
60n1:01 | Rx | In operation mode | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n1:02 | CTS | In operation mode | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |