Frequency measurement/velocity measurement

The following indices are used for setting the parameters for calculating the frequency or velocity. The determined frequency or velocity is output in index 0x6000:13 "Frequency value" as 32-bit value or 0x6000:1A "Frequency value (int16)" as 16-bit value as process data.

Frequency measurement/velocity measurement 1:
CoE indices, 0x8000:0 "ENC Settings"

Index (hex)





Frequency window base

Specifies the unit for the timeframe for the frequency measurement. Two time units (1 µs, 1 ms) are available

0x00 (1 µs)


Frequency window

This is the time used for determining the frequency. The number of periods and the analog part (the period resolution) in the timeframe is measured and then divided by the timeframe size.
Default value 10 ms [resolution: 1 µs], i.e. a new value is calculated every 10 ms.

The determined frequency is output as process data

  • In index 0x6000:13 "Frequency value"
    as 32-bit value or
  • in index 0x6000:1A "Frequency value (int16)"
    as 16-bit value.

The scaling of the output value is determined by
Index 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" and
Index 0x8000:1E "Frequency denominator".

The frequency calculation is carried out locally without distributed clocks function.

0x2710 (10000dec)


Frequency numerator

Frequency numerator, used for scaling the frequency, cf. frequency scaling.



Frequency denominator

Frequency denominator value, used for scaling of frequency and velocity calculation, see Frequency scaling and Example for velocity calculation.



Frequency Filter

IIR filter


Frequency scaling

The frequency can be scaled via the two indices 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" and 0x8000:1E "Frequency denominator". The entered values yield a fraction. This number must be used as divisor to obtain the unit in hertz, for example:

0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" = 100

0x8000:1E "Frequency denominatior" = 1

Since a position encoder with sin/cos interface is an analog output signal, in contrast to digital incremental encoders, not only the whole periods are taken into account for the frequency measurement, but also the analog part of the periods. The period determination is set in CoE, index 0x8001:11 "Analog resolution".

The "Counter Value" (0x6000:11) consists of the period counter and the period portion.

Example: Encoder output: 2048 pulses, 0x8001:11 "Analog resolution": 10 bits

Example for velocity calculation

The velocity calculation is based on the frequency measurement, which is determined as follows:

f= (S2-S1)/tf


frequency to be measured. Via index 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" the scaling of the frequency can be determined.


Counter value at position 1


Counter value at position 2


Timeframe for frequency determination, this can be set via index 0x8000:0F "Frequency window base" and index 0x8000:11 "Frequency window".

The velocity has the following relationship with the frequency:

v = f/a


velocity to be calculated


measured frequency


Conversion factor [pulses/unit] for the velocity. This is entered in index 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" and 0x8000:1E "Frequency denominator"

The conversion factor a can be determined as follows:

Example for velocity calculation in m/s:

12 mm travel path corresponds to a full mechanical revolution and therefore a "Counter Value" of 2097152 increments (2048 periods).

The output of the measured value essentially depends on the unit in which the frequency is determined and on the unit in which the conversion factor is specified.

Index (hex)


Example for set value



Frequency numerator


Output of the value in 0.01 Hz


Frequency denominator


Conversion factor a in pulses/mm

In this case the velocity is output in index 0x6000:13 "Frequency value" as 32-bit value or 0x6000:1A "Frequency value (int16) as 16-bit value in the following unit:

Frequency measurement/velocity measurement 2:
Formula for velocity calculation: 0.00001 m/s

This means the value must be multiplied by 0.00001 to get the unit in m/s. To get a high resolution of the output value, the values in 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" and 0x8000:1E "Frequency denominator" should be specified in the same order of magnitude if possible.

Example for velocity calculation in revolutions/min:

After a full revolution the "Counter Value" is 2048 periods.

The output of the measured value essentially depends on the unit in which the frequency is determined and on the unit in which the conversion factor is specified.

Index (hex)


Example for set value



Frequency numerator


Output of the value in 0.01 rpm


Frequency denominator


Conversion factor in periods/revolution

In this case the velocity is output in index 0x6000:13 "Frequency value" as 32-bit value or 0x6000:1A "Frequency value (int16)" as 16-bit value in the following unit:

Frequency measurement/velocity measurement 3:
Formula velocity calculation: revolutions/s, revolutions/min

This means the value must be multiplied by 0.01 to get the unit in revolutions/s, or multiplication by 0.6 for revolutions/min.
To get a high resolution of the output value, the values in 0x8000:1D "Frequency numerator" and 0x8000:1E "Frequency denominator" should be specified in the same order of magnitude if possible.