Special functions: reset, latch, set position

Latch and/or Reset can be activated on the C-signal in the CoE. It is not recommended to activate both functions at the same time.


The internal counter is reset immediately to 0 when the C-signal reaches the EL5021.


When the C-signal reaches the EJ5021 EtherCAT plug-in module, a new position determination is started and the last determined position is “latched” (stored); see figure, Signal CA.

The latch determination is handled with priority if the latch signal falls in terms of time within the range of the triggered position determination; the regular position determination is then executed immediately afterwards, see signal CB.

This delay has no meaning in the synchronous operation mode; in DC mode sufficient time reserves are available so that GetPos can nevertheless be executed in time for the next EtherCAT cycle, ensuring that current data can be delivered.

Special functions: reset, latch, set position 1:
Latching a position "Latch position

Set position (set counter)

The index 0x7000:03 "Set counter" is used to reset the position value (counter value) specified in 0x7000:11 "Set counter value".

Special functions: reset, latch, set position 2:

Set position

The use of the "Set counter" function is recommended only when the axis is at a standstill.