Adding an EAP device
An EtherCAT Automation Protocol device is added in TwinCAT 3 via the path [I/O] → [Devices] (see following illustration).
- 1. In the context menu of the [Devices] node, click on the command [Add New Item...]
- The Insert Device dialog opens.
- 2. Select the EtherCAT Automation Protocol (Network Variables) below the EtherCAT node and confirm your selection with [OK].

If the PC has several more unused realtime-capable network adapters at its disposal, a dialog appears in which the network adapter can be selected (see following illustration).
- 1. Select the desired adapter and confirm with [OK].
- Subsequently, the EAP device is visible with the designation Device 1 (EtherCAT Automation Protocol) underneath the Devices node.

In the next step the Publisher or Subscriber Variables can be configured.