P-AXIS-00328 | Activates the distance control functionality | |
Parameter | lr_param.distance_control_on | |
Description | This functionality must always be activated in the axis configuration to be able to activate distance control at all via the NC program. | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | TRUE / FALSE | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | FALSE | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00413 | Filtering of sensor values for distance control | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.n_cycles | |
Description | In some cases, the sensor values are noisy. To keep excitation of the machine low, the setpoints for distance control can be smoothed via an average filter. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < 10 | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | 4 | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00414 | Maximum position offset by distance control | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_deviation | |
Description | The correction value of the axis that has been calculated via distance control must not exceed this machine data item. An error message is issued if this value is exceeded. The correction value is limited. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 50000,is equivalent to5 mm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00415 | Maximum speed at which a position offset is travelled out | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.v_max | |
Description | Correction of the distance is limited dynamically with respect to the maximum speed to limit the resulting excitation. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 1/1000 mm/s | Rotatory: 1/1000°/s |
Default | 5000,is equivalent to5 mm/s | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00416 | Maximum acceleration at which a position offset is travelled out | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.a_max | |
Description | Correction of the distance is limited dynamically with respect to the maximum acceleration to limit the resulting excitation. If no acceleration is specified, the maximum axis acceleration is used automatically (see P-AXIS-00008) | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 1 mm/s^2 | Rotatory: 1°/s^2 |
Default | 0, the maximum axis acceleration is used (see P-AXIS-00008) | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00417 | Maximum permissible change of the measured distance within one cycle | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_act_value_change | |
Description | After activation of distance control, the sensor's actual values are monitored for change. Actual value detection problems can be detected by setting a maximum value. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 5000,is equivalent to0.5 mm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00418 | Reference point offset for distance control measuring system | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.ref_offset | |
Description | The value range of the sensor measuring system can be moved by an offset via this machine data item. This is necessary in the case of absolute position sensors, for example, to define the reference point, i.e. the sensor position that sets in if the spindle touches the ideal workpiece surface. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 0, no position offset | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00419 | Upper limit for measuring system | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.max_pos | |
Description | The following value defines the upper limit of the sensor. An error message is generated if it is exceeded while distance control is active. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 50000,is equivalent to5 mm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00420 | Lower limit for measuring system | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.min_pos | |
Description | The following value defines the lower limit of the sensor. An error message is generated if it is exceeded while distance control is active. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | -50000,is equivalent to- 5 mm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00421 | Tolerance band for limits | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.tolerance | |
Description | Recording of actual values always returns changing values. Due to the tolerance band, values are also permissible that might be outside the configured limits. An error message is not generated. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 0,is equivalent to0 mm | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00428 | Consideration of distance control in software limit switch monitoring | |
Parameter | kenngr.distc.check_sw_limit_switch | |
Description | This parameter defines, whether the calculated offset of distance control is considered in software limit switch monitoring (see [Software limit switches]) | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | TRUE / FALSE | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | FALSE, offset of distance control is not considered in software limit switch monitoring. | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00422 | Distance resolution of the sensor measuring system (numerator) | |
Parameter | lr_hw[1].encoder_resolution_num | |
Description | The sensor measuring system's distance resolution is specified as the quotient P-AXIS-00422/P-AXIS-00423 in the [increments/0.1µm] dimension for translatory axes or [increments/10^-4°] for rotational axes. The number of sensor increments must be specified in P-AXIS-00422. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: increments | Rotatory: increments |
Default | 1 | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00423 | Distance resolution of the sensor measuring system (denominator) | |
Parameter | lr_hw[1].encoder_resolution_denom | |
Description | The sensor measuring system's distance resolution is specified as the quotient P-AXIS-00422/P-AXIS-00423 in the [increments/0.1µm] dimension for translatory axes or [increments/10^-4°] for rotational axes. The amount of the travel range must be specified in P-AXIS-00423. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= value < MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension | Translatory: 0.1µm | Rotatory: 1/10000° |
Default | 1 | |
Remarks | - |
P-AXIS-00230 | Sign reversal of the sensor values | |
Parameter | lr_hw[1].vz_istw | |
Description | The sign of the sensor's encoder values can be inverted with this parameter | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | TRUE/FALSE | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | FALSE | |
Remarks | FALSE = no inversion, TRUE = sign inversion of actual sensor values |
P-AXIS-00424 | Definition of the sensor value range | |
Parameter | lr_hw[1].mode_act_pos | |
Description | In this parameter you can define whether the sensor positions are to be considered as linear or modulo values. By default, it can be handled according to the axis type, or an individual default can be defined. When sensor values are handling according to the set axis type (see P-AXIS-00018), values are considered in a linear fashion for the TRANSLATOR axis type, while modulo handling applies to the ROTATOR axis type. | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0 / 1 / 2 | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default | 0 | |
Remarks | 0: according to axis type (default) |
Parameter example
kenngr.distc.n_cycles 10 # Cycle number, moving average filter probing sensor
kenngr.distc.max_deviation 2000000 # [0.1µm] Max. permissible deviation
kenngr.distc.v_max 1000 # [µm/s] Max. velocity of distance control
kenngr.distc.a_max 5000 # [mm/s2] Max. acceleration
kenngr.distc.max_act_value_change 5000000 # Max. change of sampling signal/cycle
kenngr.distc.ref_offset 0 # Offset reference point
kenngr.distc.max_pos 1000000 # [0.1µm] Max. position
kenngr.distc.min_pos -1000000 # [0.1µm] Min. position
kenngr.distc.tolerance 50000 # [0.1µm] Tolerance value of probing depth
kenngr.distc.check_sw_limit_switch 1 # Check dist. ctrl off. in sw. limit monit.