<Axis_name> [ DIST_CTRL [ON | OFF] | [CHECK_POS | FREEZE | REF] SET_POS<expr> [VAL1<expr> -VAL5<expr>] ]
Name of the axis carrying the tool
Identifier for the "sensed spindles" functionality. This must always be programmed as the first key word.
Activate distance control. A set position (SET_POS) must be set before activation
Deactivate distance control.
Check whether position is in the tolerance window.
Freeze the control distance over the workpiece. The axis position or the output correction value is maintained, i.e. readjustment of the axis depending on the workpiece surface is interrupted.
Measurement system (sensor) referencing (only if there is no absolute measuring system)
Specification of the workpiece surface [mm] (absolute position). At the end of the program or in the event of a reset, the set position is reset, i.e. a new set position must be specified before distance control is activated.
Freely assignable values (5)
The key words ON/OFF
and REF
are mutually exclusive in the same command. The key words SET_POS
and VAL1
can always be included in the programming in combination. If the function is still active at the end of the program, it is cancelled automatically (implicit "OFF").
Programming examples
N10 Z[DIST_CTRL SET_POS=30] Set required position of the workpiece surface
N20 Z[DIST_CTRL ON] Selection
Nxx Z[DIST_CTRL OFF] Cancellation
N999 M30
N10 Z[DIST_CTRL ON SET_POS=30] Selection + set expected position of workpiece surface
Nxx Z[DIST_CTRL FREEZE] Hold position. End readjustment.
Nxx Z[DIST_CTRL OFF] Cancellation
N999 M30