Creating a BACnet server and a device object

This step shows how to create a BACnet server. Additionally, it shows how to create the device object for the BACnet device and two FILE objects (configuration and persistence file).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the tree view on the left, right-click on BACnet IP Device.
2. Click on Add New Item in the context menu.
Creating a BACnet server and a device object 1:
3. Select BACnet Server (Module) and confirm with OK.
Creating a BACnet server and a device object 2:
The device object of the BACnet device and two FILE objects (configuration and persistence file) are created.
Creating a BACnet server and a device object 3:
4. Select the BACnet server in the tree view on the left and click the Settings tab.
5. Then select EtherCAT/K-Bus AutoMapping and click the Map button.
Creating a BACnet server and a device object 4:
6. Confirm the settings in the IoBusMappingDialog window by clicking on Map.
BACnet objects of type Analog Input, Analog Output, Binary Input or Binary Output are created for each of the four signal types: analog input, analog output, binary input and binary output
Creating a BACnet server and a device object 5: