Scanning for devices

As soon as the CX81xx has been inserted as the target system in TwinCAT you can scan for further devices and in this way, for example, insert all the EtherCAT Terminals or Bus Terminals connected to the CX81xx into the TwinCAT tree view.

Requirements for this step:

Scan for devices as follows:

1. In the tree view on the left, right-click on Devices under I/O.
2. In the context menu click on Scan.
3. Select the devices you want to use and confirm the selection with OK.
Scanning for devices 1:
Depending on whether EtherCAT terminals or Bus Terminals are connected to the CX81xx, the K-bus interface (Bus Terminals) or the EtherCAT interface (EtherCAT terminals) will be found.
4. Confirm the request with Yes, in order to look for boxes.
5. In the Scanning BACnet Clients window, select the devices to which you want to establish a BACnet communication and click Add Clients.
Scanning for devices 2:
6. Confirm the request whether to enable FreeRun with Yes.
The devices are created in the tree view. Depending on the connected terminals, either a Bus Coupler or an EtherCAT coupler with the associated terminals will be displayed.

In the next step you can create a small program.