Web Services
Upnp webpages
There is a Upnp webpage on the CX80xx for diagnostics.
User name: guest
Password: 1
![Web Services 1:](Images/png/1608663947__en-US__Web.png)
Enter the IP address or the device name.
The diagnostic page was revised starting from image v354c.
![Web Services 2:](Images/png/1608667147__en-US__Web.png)
Web visualization
There is a web visualization on the CX80xx. This can be prepared and activated with the help of the PLC Control in TwinCAT.
![Web Services 3:](Images/png/1608670347__en-US__Web.png)
The call is made via the IP address or the device name in a web browser.
Further information can be taken from the documentation on the web visualization (see TwinCAT Supplements PLC HMI Web).
Ascertain before logging in (i.e. in the logged out condition) whether a ADS connection is established to the CX – "TwinCAT Running" in the bottom right-hand corner must be green. If that is not the case, please go onto Online/Selection of the target system again and call the CX once again.
![Web Services 4:](Images/png/1608673547__en-US__Web.png)
The following path must be specified for downloading the web data for the web user interface:
\hard disk\twincat\boot\webvisu\
If that is not the case, the PLC Control will copy the data into the wrong folder and the webpage will be displayed incorrectly or not at all.
![Web Services 5:](Images/png/1608676747__en-US__Web.png)
Remote Display
This page describes the steps for remotely controlling a CE device with CE operating system from a further PC by ‘Remote Display’.
Software required on the PC:
- Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 7
- Microsoft Remote Display (CERHOST, available license-free from Microsoft)
Establishing the connection
The "Remote Display" tool is started on the PC. The address of the CE device can now be entered under the menu option "File - > Connect"; this can be both the TCP-IP address or, if available, also the name of the CE device.
If the CE device is provided with password protection, then the password must also be entered accordingly. No password is set in the delivery condition.
After entering the target address, the user interface of the CE device is available for remote control on the PC.
Download : cerhost.zip