Setting the channel synchronization
The channel synchronization option makes the output of output 2 dependent on output 1. The following values are available in the CoE objects:
- No: no dependency
- Ch2 = Ch1: Duty cycle and PWM clock frequency of output 1 are also applied to output 2. The phase position is 0, i.e. the rising and falling edges of output 1 and output 2 are synchronized.
- Ch2 = Ch1 inverted: Duty cycle and PWM clock frequency of output 1 are also applied to output 2. However, the PWM clock frequency is inverted. The phase position is 0, i.e. a rising edge at output 1 triggers a falling edge at output 2 at the same time.
Proceed as follows:
- 1. Click the CX7028 device on the left in the structure tree.
- 2. Click the CoE-Online tab.
- 3. Double-click the CoEobject 8020:09 Channel synchronization.
- 4. Under the option Enum, select the type of synchronization required.