Scan multifunction I/Os
Special features of the CX7000 series are the eight integrated multifunction inputs and four integrated multifunction outputs. This chapter shows how to scan and create the multifunction I/Os in TwinCAT.
Note that the CX7028 interface for controlling the multifunction I/Os has its own CPU and the CX7028 interface is not displayed or does not work under TwinCAT if the power supply(Up) is not connected.
Proceed as follows:
- 1. On the left side of the tree view, right-click Devices and then click Scan.
All available I/O devices are displayed.
- 2. Select the appropriate I/O devices. For this example, at least the CX7028 interface, i.e. the CX7000 device, must be selected. If you still want to operate Bus or EtherCAT Terminals on the CX7000, then you must also select EtherCAT as a device.
- 3. A total of four slots are created. For each slot a maximum of one module (DI, DIO, ENC, CNT or PWM) can be assigned, which in turn determines the operation mode for the respective slot.
- 4. Modules can be assigned to a specific slot with the button < or removed again with x.
- Define the required modules according to their requirements. There is a choice of different modules depending on the slot used. Which modules are supported by which slot is listed in the chapter Multifunction I/Os.