Data types
With the mode selected in the function block you can specify what should happen in the case of a power failure.
eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Writing of persistent data and then a QuickShutdown
eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Only writing of the persistent data (no QuickShutdown)
eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: Only QuickShutdown (no writing of persistent data)
eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus: Only check status (neither writing of persistent data nor a QuickShutdown)
The internal state of the function block can be read with E_S_UPS_State.
in all modes: Power supply is OK
in all modes: Power supply is faulty (only shown for one PLC cycle)
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Writing of persistent data is active
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Writing of persistent data is active
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: QuickShutdown ist active
in Mode eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: QuickShutdown is active
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Wait for the reestablishment of the power supply
in mode eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus: Wait for the reestablishment of the power supply
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Wait for switching off of the PC by the UPS
in mode eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: Wait for switching off of the PC by the UPS