Standard CMOS Features

This menu is used for setting date, time, hard disks, graphics mode and start-up behaviour. At the same time, information about the memory configuration determined by the system is provided. The memory configuration information cannot be changed. The setting options for date, time, graphics mode and startup behaviour are described below. A new menu opens for setting the hard disk data.

Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility

Standard CMOS Features

Date (mm:dd:yy)

Wed, Jun 30 2010

Item Help

Time (hh:mm:ss)

11 : 11 : 00





υ8; IDE Channel 0 Master

[ None]


υ8; IDE Channel 0 Slave

[ None]





Halt On

[All, But Keyboard]





Base Memory



Extended Memory



Total Memory






↑ ↓ → ← :Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:Help

F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults

Date (mm:dd:yy)


Time (hh:mm:ss)


Halt On

This parameter can be used for stopping the boot process in the event of errors. Errors may be ignored. This menu item is used to configure the settings.


Base Memory

This option is used for displaying the conventional memory (0 KB to 640 KB) in order to indicate whether it was detected by the POST.

Extended Memory

Available memory from the first MB to the maximum memory capacity.

Total Memory

This is the total of base memory, extended memory and other memory.