Parameterization with TwinCAT 3
This section illustrates how Profibus devices can be parameterized with the aid of TwinCAT 3. A total of three devices are used for the example, including a Profibus master, to which two Profibus slaves are connected.
First, the process of finding and selecting a target system in TwinCAT is illustrated. Next, a Profibus slave is added and parameterized in TwinCAT, and the Profibus address of the slave is set. Then a PLC project is created and added in TwinCAT. Then, the variables from the PLC project are linked with the hardware, and the finished configuration is loaded on the Profibus slave.
In the last step, the Profibus master is added in TwinCAT, and the two Profibus slaves are located via the master. The process of testing the Profibus networking is then illustrated.