PLC-Interface CX2500-0031

PLC-Interface CX2500-0031 1:

The CX2500-0031 system interface provides two RS422/RS485 interfaces. They can be connected to the PLC via the TwinCAT System Manager.

In the System Manager you can open the Scan Devices... context menu, which searches for the serial interfaces.

PLC-Interface CX2500-0031 2:

A window opens in which the interfaces can be selected. At the same time one can automatically search for further components, such as Bus Couplers. The configuration found by the system should always be verified.

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Once the scan is complete, the interfaces can be parameterised. Usually no settings are required in the Serial Port tab.

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In the Communication Properties tab the interface parameters can be set, e.g.:

  • baud rate (50, ... , 460800)
  • parity (none, even, odd)
  • stop bits (1, 2)
  • RS type (RS232, RS485, is default)
  • hardware FIFO (16, 32, 64, 138, 256)
  • data bits (8, 7, 6, 5)
  • COM port mode
    BK8xx0 mode (for Bus Coupler operation)
    KL6xx1 mode (for emulation as KL6xx1)
PLC-Interface CX2500-0031 5:

Connection of the interface to TwinCAT is now complete.