The MC Tab

The MC Tab 1:

Task-Access-Time (Shift-Time): This time must be greater than the maximum TwinCAT jitter plus the maximum mapping time (see chapter PROFIBUS MC)

Task-Access-Time/Task Cycle-Time: This relation ist helpful when using the Calculate MC-Times-Button to avoid adapting the Task-Access-Time manually after using this button.

PLL-Sync-Time: Only necessary for Sync-Mode Disabled, sets the PLL-Window on the FC310x

Task Cycle Time: Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task.

Estimated DP-Cycle Time: Displays the expected PROFIBUS cycle time.

Estimated Mapping Time: Displays the expected Mapping time.

Set To on Box: The To-Time can set individually for each slave on the tab Prm Data(Text) of the box.

Set Ti on Box: The Ti-Time can set individually for each slave on the tab Prm Data(Text) of the box.

To-Time: If the Check-Box Set To on Box is not selected, the To-Time can set unique for all slaves.

Ti-Time: If the Check-Box Set Ti on Box is not selected, the Ti-Time can set unique for all slaves.

Estimated Equi-Cycle Time: Displays the expected DPV2-part of PROFIBUS cycle time.

Calculate MC-Times: This button causes all DPV2-times to be calculated.

Sync-Mode: The Sync-Mode decides, if the FC follows the PC (Disabled) or the PC follows the FC (Master) to synchronize the TwinCAT- with the PROFIBUS-cycle.