The FC310x Tab

The FC310x Tab 1:

PCI Slot/Irq: Indicates in which logical PCI slot the card was found.

Search...: Searches for all connected FC310x channels. Select those required. In the case of an FC3102 both channels A and B appear. These behave in logical terms like two FC3101 cards.

Hardware Configuration...: The hardware version number of the FC310x can be displayed here.

Upload Configuration …: The PROFIBUS is scanned with this command, and all the devices found are added to the FC310x device. (A box may not be added in TwinCAT 2.8; as from TwinCAT 2.9 scanning can also take place even when boxes are inserted. The FC310x then accepts the new configuration, but does show changes). In the case of Beckhoff boxes, the configuration is read precisely. In the case of external devices, the corresponding GSD file will be searched.

Verify Configuration...: This causes the PROFIBUS to be scanned and compared with the currently inserted boxes. Changes are displayed (from TwinCAT 2.9).

Firmware: This causes the current firmware version of the FC310x to be showed.

Firmware Update...: This command can be used to update the FC310x card firmware.

Stations No.: Each PROFIBUS device requires a unique station number - including the master.

Baudrate: Set the PROFIBUS baud rate.

Operating Mode: In all three operating modes, the highest-priority task linked to the appropriate device will take control of the PROFIBUS cycle and is therefore synchronized with the DP cycle (see the Synchronization section). If this task is stopped or reaches a breakpoint, the FC310x switches to CLEAR mode (slave outputs will assume 0 or safe values) (see the Error Reactions section). All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding buffers. If one of these tasks is stopped or reaches a breakpoint, the System Manager will generally display a message saying that the watchdog of the appropriate asynchronous mapping has been activated, and the appropriate outputs are set to 0. For all operating modes, one polling rate per slave can be set (in the Features tab for the Box). The sequence of the slaves in the PROFIBUS cycle corresponds to the sequence in which they are located in the FC310x device tree. The operating mode ”DP” is designed for standard DP operation, the operating modes ”DP/MC (equidistant)” and ”Equidistant (no GC)” are described in section PROFIBUS MC, as well as the parameters NC Access Time, Relation NC Access Time/Cycle Time, PLL Sync Time and Safety Time, the Sync Mode settings and the Calculate Equi-Times button, which are only relevant for PROFIBUS MC.

Cycle Time: Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task.

Estimated Cycle: Displays the expected PROFIBUS cycle time.

Watchdog Time: Here a watchdog can be activated, which, in case of a PC crash, will cause the FC310x to enter the STOP state and terminate the data exchange with all configured slaves (see Error Reactions). The time is important in Redundancy Mode of the primary master.

Calculate DP-Slave Watchdog Time: This will set the DP watchdog time for all the DP slaves to a reasonable value, in accordance with the formula Estimated cycle time * 10.