Use of a filter

If you don't wish to receive all the telegrams in the CAN interface, there is an option to set filters. This reduces the number of CAN telegrams in the CAN interface and thus permits only those telegrams that are actually required.

Use of a filter 1:
CAN filters

The identifiers that are to be forwarded to the CAN interface are entered here.

The identifiers that are not to be forwarded to the CAN interface are entered here.

Acceptance mask:
Here you can specify at bit level which identifiers are to be forwarded to the CAN interface.

Example on the basis of the 29-bit identifier

In the example, all the telegrams from identifier 0x0400 … 0x0700 are transmitted into the CAN interface. This is displayed with a "+" next to Info.
"+" means that the filter lets the data through to the CAN interface (Acceptance)
"-" means that the filter does not let the data through to the CAN interface (Rejection)

Use of a filter 2:
Example on the basis of the 29-bit identifier