Fundamental safety instructions
The following safety instructions must be observed when handling the device.
Application conditions
- Do not use the device under extreme environmental conditions.
- Only use the device in hazardous areas if it is explicitly designed for this purpose.
- Never plug or unplug connectors during thunderstorms. There is a risk of electric shock.
- Ensure that the device has a protective and functional earth connection.
Damage to property, loss of data and impairment of functions
- If you change the hardware and software configurations, you must keep within the specified limits of power consumption and power loss (please refer to the respective data sheet).
- Ensure that only trained specialists with a control and automation engineering background, operate the device. Use by unauthorized persons can lead to damage to property and loss of data.
- In the case of a 24 V DC power supply unit, fuse the power supply line according to its cross-section to protect the supply line in the event of a short circuit.
- In case of fire, extinguish the device with powder or nitrogen.