Access to device components

To be able to replace certain device components, you must first gain access to the interior of the industrial PC.

To do this, follow the steps below as shown in Figure 31:

1. Loosen and remove the two M4 screws from the housing cover (section A).
2. Push the housing cover 1 cm backwards (section B).
3. Remove the housing cover upwards (section C).
4. Loosen and remove the six M4 screws from the card holder (section D).
5. Lift the card holder on the right side (section E).
6. Remove the card holder to the right of the device (section F).
You now have access to the interior of the industrial PC.
Access to device components 1:
Access device components

To reinstall the card holder afterwards, follow the steps below, shown in Figure 32:

1. Release all plastic elements of the card holder (section A).
2. Insert the holder back into the industrial PC with the left side first (section B).
3. Fasten the card holder again with the six M4 screws (section C).
4. For each plug-in card, press down the associated plastic element of the card holder until the plug-in card is firmly seated in its slot.
You have mounted the card holder.
Access to device components 2:
Mounting card holder

To mount the housing cover to the PC, follow the steps below, shown in Figure 33:

1. Place the housing cover on the housing 1 cm before the target position (section A).
2. Slide the housing cover 1 cm forward (section B).
3. Fasten the cover with the two M4 screws (section C).
You have mounted the housing cover again.
Access to device components 3:
Mounting housing cover