Diagnostics display

During start-up, the display shows the current firmware version for approx. three seconds.

If an error occurs during start-up, this will be indicated via a flash sequence of the associated LED.

Configuration errors are shown in the display via TC-Config and an error number. In this case, please use the System Manager to check your hardware configuration or contact support.



TC-Config 0xE02E

A complex Bus Terminal is assigned a bit address. Check the TwinCAT configuration.

TC-Config 0xF0nn

Bus Terminal no. nn does not correspond to the configuration. Compare the bus structure of Bus Terminal no. nn with the configuration.

TC-Config 0xC0nn

Bus Terminal no. nn does not correspond to the configuration. Compare the bus structure of Bus Terminal no. nn with the configuration.

Firmware errors are shown in the display via FW-Error and an error number. Please contact support.



FW-Error 0xnnnn

Please contact support