
With the CFC client, the BX device offers the option of copying the complete memory content of a BX Controller. The data from the memory are saved in a BIN file and can be loaded into an identical controller.

The CFC client runs on Windows 9x, NT, 2000 and XP and is completely independent of TwinCAT.

CFC-Client* 1: CFC client (sample file) (Note: The DLLs have to be registered manually via regsvr32)

When the CFC client is started, the COM parameters have to be set first.

CFC-Client* 2:
CFC client

Port/Port Setup...

CFC-Client* 3:
Call the port setup

Select the required setting.

CFC-Client* 4:
Set the COM parameters

Before opening the COM port, a physical connection to the BX Controller has to be established. Then open the COM port.

CFC-Client* 5:
Open the COM port

Use upload to create a copy of the BX memory and save it as a BIN file.

CFC-Client* 6:
Upload the BX memory content to a BIN file

Use download to load the BIN file onto the BX controller. The controller starts automatically after a successful download.

CFC-Client* 7:
Downloading a BIN file to the BX controller

* The CFC server is available on the BX Controller range from firmware version 1.09.