This function block connects ModbusRTU.lib or ComLib.lib with the serial interface of the BX Controller. It emulates a PC interface. Data output is not via a PC interface, but via one of the two serial interfaces of the BX (COM1 or COM2).

Function block FB_BX_COM_64


pstrEmo_IN        :POINTER TO BYTE;
pstrEmo_OUT       :POINTER TO BYTE;
ComConfig         :ST_COMConfig;


pstrEmo_IN: Pointer to ModbusPCComInData
pstrEmo_OUT: Pointer to ModbusPCComInData
ComConfig: Parameterization of the COM interface

FB_BX_COM_64 1: Download sample program in ST for linking ModbusRTU and BX: (sample file)

FB_BX_COM_64 2: Download sample program in ST for linking ModbusRTU version 2 and BX: (sample file)

The sample requires the ModbusRTU library!

modbus com port 64.prx

modbus com port 64_v2.prx