SSB configuration

The SSB is configured in the system manager. Open your existing configuration, in which you have already configured the PLC project, the K-bus and the higher-level fieldbus, or open a new configuration.
Under I/O devices (left mouse button) a further device can now be appended.

SSB configuration 1:
Adding a further device

Select the CANopen Master SSB and confirm with OK.

SSB configuration 2:
Selecting the CANopen master SSB

With the left mouse button, a CANopen node can now be selected on the SSB device.

SSB configuration 3:
Adding a CANopen device

All Beckhoff CAN nodes are available, as well as a general CANopen node for CANopen devices from other manufacturers.

SSB configuration 4:
Selecting a CANopen node

Now link the PLC variables with your CAN node. Once the configuration is complete, load it into the BX.