Type 4 : Block number and pass count
Block search type = 4, block number = 100
Set pass count to 1 and start program
Program holds at restart position X = 8 Y = 10. After restart remaining part of square is moved.
NC program
N00 G00 G90 X0 Y0
P1 = 0
N80 G01 G91 X10 F500
N095 Y10
$FOR P1 = 1, 5, 1
N100 X-2
N120 Y-10
N130 M30
Pass count = 0
Pass count = 4
Covered distance
Block search typ = 4, block number = 100, pass count = 1
Set covered distance and start program
After restart remaining part of square is moved.
NC program
N00 G00 G90 X0 Y0
P1 = 0
N80 G01 G91 X10 F500
N095 Y10
N100 X-10
N120 Y-10
N130 M30
1.Without block search, 2. covered distance 0, 3. covered distance 600 4. covered distance 1000
Block count
Block search type = 3, block count = 100
Start program
Program executed up to restart position and NC waits for continue. After restart remaining part of square is moved.
NC program
Block Count
%t_sv_count.nc 1
N00 G00 G90 X0 Y0 2
P1 = 0 3
N80 G01 G91 X10 F500 4
N095 Y10 5
$FOR P1 = 1, 5, 1 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
N100 X-2 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
N120 Y-10 19
N130 M30 20
Block count = 8
Block count = 16
Change offsets in block search
Start program with automatic return to contour at N100
Automatic return reaches correct contour because each movement block contains implicit the actual offsets.
NC program
( Test block search with G92)
N907090 G00 G90 X0 Y0
N80 G01 X10 F500
N85 G92 X10 Y20
N095 Y-10
N100 X-10
N120 Y-20
N907091 M30