General parameters
Block search type | |
Description | Specifies the type of block search mode. |
Type | UNS16 |
Value range | 0 - none (default), |
HMI elements | mc_cmd_bs_type_r, |
Zugriff | Read, write |
IndexOffsetADS | 0x61, 0x49 (IndexGroupADS = 0x000201<ii> with <ii> = channel) |
Covered distance | |
Description | Specifies the moved distance in the NC block in per mille, where the real execution shall continue. The start of a block could be moved in block search (without execution) and remaining part could be moved real. |
Type | REAL64 |
Value range | [ 0.0; 1000.0 ], default 0.0 |
HMI elements | mc_cmd_bs_covered_distance_r, |
Zugriff | Read, write |
IndexOffsetADS | 0x62, 0x4A (IndexGroupADS = 0x000201<ii> with <ii> = channel) |
Automatic return | |
Description | Specifies if return to contour shall be generated automatically. |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Value range | TRUE, FALSE (default) |
HMI elements | mc_cmd_bs_auto_return_r, |
Zugriff | Read, write |
IndexOffsetADS | 0x63, 0x4b (IndexGroupADS = 0x000201<ii> with <ii> = channel) |
Maximum path deviation | |
Description | Specifies the maximum deviation between actual axis position and restart position when execution is resumed after block search. In case of automatic return to contour the maximum deviation is not considered, because the exact position must be reached anyway. |
Type | UNS32 |
Value range | [ 0; MAX_UNS32 ] in 0.1 mikrom, default 0 |
HMI elements | mc_cmd_bs_deviation_max_r, |
Zugriff | Read, write |
IndexOffsetADS | 0x64, 0x4c (IndexGroupADS = 0x000201<ii> with <ii> = channel) |
Actual covered distance (PCS) | |
Description | Is used in the PLC for reading the real covered distance of actual movement block (e.g. after feedhold, emergency stop, program abort ...). |
Information flow | NCK → PLC |
Unit | Per mille |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.StateBahn_Data.D_CoveredDistance |
Data type | DINT |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | During block search instruction the read value can be used for the definition of the covered distance in NC block, where the real execution shall continue. |