Return to contour after block search

Move back to the command positions

Before continuing of normal execution the real axis have to move back to the command positions of the NC-program (back to contour). This movement could be made by a user given NC-program or manually before start of block search or can be done automatically in a straight line.

Return to contour after block search 1:
Figure 1-1:Use of different tool radius

As seen in the example above the already moved distance in the actual block has to be given relative to the whole length of the block (in per mille), because the absolute length of the block be different after restart (e.g. circular blocks with different tool radius).

Automatic return to contour

The automatic generated movement is done with rapid speed (G00).


Return to contour after block search 2:
Figure 1-2:Use of block search to restore program context

User input

Following input of the user is necessary:

Manual return to contour

If the movement back to contour is generated manually and the axis are not moved back to the exact contour, there could be an offset between the theoretical command position of the NC-program and the real axis position. The user can specify an maximum allowed 3-dimensional offset.

Return to contour after block search 3:

User input

Following input of the user is necessary:

Return to contour after block search 4:

With active offset > 0 backward motion is not possible !


For active offset and software limit monitoring the following has to be taken into consideration:
The offset between command positions and actual axis positions can lead to unexpected software limit or collision detection errors although the actual axis positions are inside valid range and no collision has occurred. In the same way, in the other case exceeding of software limits can´t be detected in advance but only online in position controller. With active axis offsets a collision cannot be detected anyway.