Export to Rockwell

Create a master Ethernet IP (limitation only master, not Multimaster support)

Export to Rockwell 1:
Export to Rockwell - Create a master Ethernet IP

Save as the project as .L5k format

Export to Rockwell 2:
Export to Rockwell - Save as the project as .L5k format, step 1
Export to Rockwell 3:
Export to Rockwell - Save as the project as .L5k format, step 2

Create the project with the configurator and export with the push button AB CSV

Export to Rockwell 4:
Export to Rockwell - export with the push button AB CSV

Select the file L5k, which you have generated

Export to Rockwell 5:
Export to Rockwell - Select the created file L5k

Open AB's tool, and select open

Export to Rockwell 6:
Export to Rockwell - open the ABL5K.L5K

Select the file ABL5K.L5K (fixed name!)

Export to Rockwell 7:
Export to Rockwell - Select the file ABL5K.L5K

Save the project as ACD

Export to Rockwell 8:
Export to Rockwell - Save the project as ACD

Read the import configuration, with the comments

Export to Rockwell 9:
Export to Rockwell - Read the import configuration
Export to Rockwell 10:
Export to Rockwell - Read the import configuration with comments