LC5200 - Introduction

LC5200 - Introduction 1:
LC5200 - Low-cost Bus Coupler for DeviceNet

The LC5200 low-cost bus coupler is characterized by its compact design and less expensive connection technology. It corresponds to the functions of the BK5210 DeviceNet Bus Coupler in relation to operation with Bus Terminals and its fieldbus properties. Up to 64 digital input/output terminals can be connected. The firmware can be updated via the configuration interface.

The LC5200 Bus Coupler is particularly suitable for use in small, low-price stations. The 24 VDC supply voltage feeds the peripheral devices via the power contacts, as well as the Bus Coupler electronics and the K-bus electronics. Electrical isolation from the I/O level has been dispensed with in the Bus Coupler; it can be implemented if necessary with a power feed terminal. The LC5200 Bus Coupler can be replaced by a Bus Coupler from the BK5210 series.

All the bit-oriented terminals can be connected to the low-cost Bus Coupler. All digital input and output terminals are supported with the exception of KL15xx, KL25x2, KL2692 and KL27x1. All the system terminals, with and without diagnostics, can also be connected.