Assignment of the DPV1 slot number

The Slot_Number = 0 addresses the data of the Bus Coupler, while Slot_Number > 0 addresses the data (registers or parameters (KL6201)) of the complex terminals:


Slot number = 0

Slot number > 0

BK3120, BK3150, BK3500, BK3520

Data in Bus Coupler

Slot_Number = 1:
first complex terminal plugged into the Bus Coupler (KL15xx, KL25xx, KL3xxx, KL4xxx, KL5xxx, KL6xxx, KL8xxx)

Slot_Number = 2:
second complex terminal plugged into the Bus Coupler (KL15xx, KL25xx, KL3xxx, KL4xxx, KL5xxx, KL6xxx, KL8xxx)



Data in Bus Coupler

Not present, because neither the BK3x10 nor the LC3100 support complex terminals.