Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT

The following is an explanation of how register communication with the KL terminals is parameterized during the EtherCAT start-up.

This ensures that the KL terminal used always contains the desired register set, even if the terminal (hardware) is exchanged, because the register data is written to the KL terminal again at the next start-up of the system or EtherCAT.

The principle:

This is the process to be adhered to for each terminal:

Information for the register values



CoE Index

Channel /Register page 0

Register 0 - 63



Register > 63 (if available)


Channel /Register page 1

Register 0 - 63



Register > 63 (if available)


Channel /Register page 2

Register 0 - 63



Register > 63 (if available)


Channel /Register page 3

Register 0 - 63



Register > 63 (if available)


Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 1:

Code word

The user parameters in registers 32 - 47 can only be changed if the code word 0x1235 is written in register 31. Register 31 must be set back to 0 for non-volatile storage of the modified user parameters in the terminal.
Please refer to the corresponding terminal documentation for access to the register.


TwinCAT 2:11 b1539 and a BK1120 with firmware B8 were used in the following example.
In an existing configuration (scanned or manually created), the user scaling (offset) of the KL3314 is to be changed in the startup list of the BK1120 coupler in order to ensure that the desired scaling is also saved in the terminal in the event of the terminal being exchanged.
2 entries have already been created: selection of terminal 3 and setting of the code word.
Now the user scaling (offset) will be set in register 33 (see terminal documentation). A right click opens the "Insert" dialog.

Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 2:
Insert dialog

The following is to be entered in the dialogue

Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 3:
Data entry

The complete entry is shown in Fig. Entry.

Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 4:

Since the code word was used, it must also be reset in order to complete the terminal access.

Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 5:
Complete terminal access

More extensive register access is possible, if required, see Fig. Access to two KL terminals. In this case, two KL2541s with the numbers 3 and 4 will be parameterized in the startup phase.

Configuration of KL terminals via EtherCAT 6:
Access to two KL terminals