KS2000 Configuration Software

KS2000 Configuration Software  1:
KS2000 Configuration Software

The KS2000 configuration software makes parameterization and configuration of the BC9x20 and BC9050 Bus Terminal Controllers unnecessary. The configuration can be carried out with the TwinCAT System Manager.

The KS2000 configuration software offers configuration and diagnostic support for the Bus Terminals attached to the Bus Terminal Controller.
To this end it is advisable to set the baud rate in the KS2000 configuration software to 38400 baud (8 data bits, even, 1 stop bit).

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COM1 - automatic baud rate detection

The COM 1 Controller interface features automatic baud rate detection between 9.6 kbaud and 38.4 kbaud.

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Required KS2000 version

Bus Terminal configuration and diagnostics is supported from KS2000 version

In some Bus Terminals (e.g. KL25xx, KL6811, KL6201, KL6401) the following parameters must be set in order to be able to use the configuration dialogs:

You can now log in with the KS2000 configuration software via ADS (port 100) or the serial cable and use the KS2000 dialogs in the Bus Terminals.