General errors

No data exchange after replacing a bus coupler

You have exchanged the Ethernet Bus Coupler and set the same TCP/IP number, but data is not exchanged.

Each Ethernet device has its own and unique MAC ID. This number is saved when connecting to the Ethernet node and stored in a table. This table contains the correspondences between the MAC-ID and the TCP/IP number. You must clear this memory and you can do this by entering the command >arp -d< and the TCP/IP number of the Bus Coupler in the DOS window.
Example: >arp -d<
If the DHCP or BootP protocol is activated, the MAC ID of the new Bus Coupler must be set on the DHCP or BootP server after the coupler change.

Communication errors when online *

After a period in the online state (logged in via Ethernet/AMS) the message Communication error - logging out always occurs.

The data traffic through the Ethernet interface is jamming.


* BC9000, C900 only