Libraries overview

The TwinCAT 2 automation software provides various libraries for the BC9191 and BC9191-0100 (see Beckhoff Information System). These libraries are also used for the Bus Terminal Controllers (Bus Couplers with PLC functionality) of the BC9050, BC9020, BC9120 and BX9000 series.

Download and documentation

If libraries are not installed by default, perform a download, extract the library from the .zip file and copy it into the TwinCAT directory TwinCAT\PLC\LIB. KS2000KS2000KS2000

Further libraries with useful functions or communication blocks can also be found in the Beckhoff Information System:

When using the libraries, firmware 3.1 or higher is recommended for the BC9191 and BC9191-0100.

Libraries overview 1:

Use the library that matches the firmware

Always use the latest libraries in conjunction with the latest BC firmware. If you update the firmware of your Bus Terminal Controller, please also update the libraries. Copy the new libraries into the LIB folder, remove them from your project and re-insert them.