Seriell_Set data structure

The RS232-specific function blocks enable specific serial parameters to be set in the default configuration of the BC8150. It is therefore possible to set the length of the I/O data, the baud rate, and the transfer mode from the local PLC project. The function block is not required for the TwinCAT configuration, as in this case the settings are created via the System Manager.

Seriell_Set data structure 1: BC8150 library (old version)

Seriell_Set data structure 2: BC8150 library (current version)

Seriell_Set data structure 3: example for BC8150 and KS8000 protocol

Seriell_Set data structure 4: example for BC8150 and ModbusRTU protocol


Seriell_Set data structure 5:
Function block BC8150_SETTINGS



bWriteSet       :BOOL;
bReadSet        :BOOL;
strBC8150_Set   :Seriell_Set;


bWriteSet: Rising edge starts the block and reads/writes the parameters. If these have changed, the new parameters are written and the flag bReboot_Necessary is set. The Bus Coupler must then be restarted. The user is notified if/when the bReboot_Necessary flag is set.
bReadSet: Positive edge reads the set RS232 parameters.
strBC8150_Set : Data structure for the RS232 interface.


bBusy               :BOOL;
bError              :BOOL;
iErrorId            :WORD;
strBC8150           :Seriell_Setting;
bReboot_Necessary   :BOOL;


bBusy: The block is active as long it is TRUE.
bError: Error bit.
iErrorId: Error number.
strBC8150: Output of type, firmware, and RS232 parameters.
bReboot_Necessary: If this bit is TRUE after the bBusy is set to FALSE, then the BC8150 must be restarted so that the RS232 settings are saved.

Seriell_Set data structure

The settings for the RS232 interfaces are transferred with the following data structure.

   iInputData          :INT; (* BC8150: 1..255 *)
   iOutputData         :INT; (* BC8150: 1..255 *)
   Modbus_Mode_BC8150  :E_BC8150_Mode; (* _8data_no_parity, _8data_with_parity, _8data_even_parity, _8data_odd_parity *)
   iWatchdog           :INT; (* 1000 ms Watchdog für die Modbus und KS8000 Kommunikation , 0 ms Watchdog disabled*)
   Modbus_Baudrate     :ENUM;(* _1k2Baud, _2k4Baud, _4k8Baud, _9k6kBaud, _19k2Baud, _38k4Baud *)


iInputData: Number of input data (from the point of view of the BC). Size in words for the KS8000 protocol (address 1-39)
iOutputData: Number of output data (from the point of view of the BX). Size in words for the KS8000 protocol (address 1-39)
Modbus_Mode_BC8150: RS232 settings for the ModbusRTU protocol (address 40-59)
iWatchdog: Watchdog for KS8000 and Modbus protocol
Modbus_Baudrate: Baud rate for the ModbusRTU protocol (address 40-59)


Return parameter iErrorId



no Error


Wrong BC Typ


Wrong firmware version


xxxx ADS Error Code (see ADS Return Code)