Firmware Update

Firmware update program

The firmware update program is required for loading a new firmware to the Bus Coupler. The program is transferred via the serial interface.

Note for BX3100:
Updates are not available with BX3100 firmware 0.64 (or lower). If these devices need updating, send the BX3100 to the manufacturer with a corresponding note.

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Service Department
Stahlstr. 31
33415 Verl, Germany

Firmware Update 1: Firmware update program 241 (Download) 71 kbytes (for Windows NT4.0 SP6, 2000, XP).

The program FirmwareUpdate.exe and the file TcRouterHelper.dll have to be in the same directory. Open the program by double-clicking on FirmwareUpdate.exe.

Update for Bus Terminal Controllers

BX series

Select the appropriate device of - in this example "Serial interface (BX)".

Firmware Update 2:
Selecting a BX series Bus Terminal Controller

BCxx50 series

Select the corresponding device, in this case "Serial Interface".

Firmware Update 3:
Selecting a BC series Bus Terminal Controller

BX and BCxx50 series

Then select the COM port.

Firmware Update 4:
Select the COM port

Open the file you wish to download.

Firmware Update 5:
Open the firmware file

Start the download via the green 'traffic light'. The download begins after about a minute, and is then also shown on the BX's display. After successful download (approx. 2 to 3 minutes) the Bus Terminal Controller reboots automatically.

Firmware Update 6:
Status messages relating to the firmware update