Enable device identification

The EtherCAT Hot Connect functionality enables preconfigured sections to be removed from or added to the data traffic before startup or during operation. This can be done by disconnecting/connecting the communication path, turning the device on/off or other measures.

This function is particularly advantageous for applications in which frequent topology changes are required.

Use the Explicit Device Identification function to enable the Hot Connect functionality for the EtherCAT slave and allocate an identification number for the EtherCAT slave. In case of exchange the current address must be stored again in the replacement device. The identification number is set via TwinCAT.

Prerequisites for this step:

Enable the device identification as follows:

1. In the tree view click on the EtherCAT slave.
Enable device identification 1:
2. Click on the EtherCAT Slave tab
Enable device identification 2:
3. Enter an identification number for your EtherCAT slave under Explicit Device Identification in the Value field.
Enable device identification 3:
You have successfully enabled the device identification for an EtherCAT slave and allocated an identification number. The individual EtherCAT slave devices can now be distinguished from each other and swapped with devices with the same identification number during operation.