
General information about the EtherCAT slave is displayed on the EtherCAT tab.

EtherCAT 1:




Name and type of the EtherCAT device.


Product and revision number of the EtherCAT device.


Auto increment address of the EtherCAT device. The auto increment address can be used for addressing each EtherCAT device in the communication ring through its physical position.

Auto increment addressing is used during the start-up phase when the EtherCAT master allocates addresses to the EtherCAT devices. With auto increment addressing the first EtherCAT slave in the ring has the address 0000hex. For each further slave the address is decremented by 1 (FFFFhex, FFFEhex etc.).


Fixed address of an EtherCAT slave. This address is allocated by the EtherCAT master during the start-up phase. Click the control box to the left of the input field in order to modify the default value.


Name and port of the EtherCAT device, to which the selected device is connected. This combobox is enabled if it is possible to connect this device to another device without changing the order of the EtherCAT devices in the communication ring. You can use it to select the EtherCAT device, to which the selected device is to be connected.


The Advanced Settings button opens further windows for additional settings.

A link at the bottom of the tab leads to the product page for the respective EtherCAT device.