In the tree view, input variables are consolidated under the Info Data menu item, which provide information about an EtherCAT slave.

The State variable indicates the EtherCAT status of the EtherCAT slave. In addition, the variable provides general information about the slave. For sample, it shows whether the slave has an invalid product code has or is disabled.
The following table shows which values the State variable can assume:
Value |
Description |
0x___1 |
Slave in ‘INIT’ state |
0x___2 |
Slave in ‘PREOP’ state |
0x___3 |
Slave in ‘BOOT’ state |
0x___4 |
Slave in ‘SAFEOP’ state |
0x___8 |
Slave in ‘OP’ state |
0x001_ |
Slave signals error |
0x002_ |
Invalid vendorId, |
0x004_ |
Initialization error occurred |
0x008_ |
Slave disabled |
0x010_ |
Slave not present |
0x020_ |
Slave signals link error |
0x040_ |
Slave signals missing link |
0x080_ |
Slave signals unexpected link |
0x100_ |
Communication port A |
0x200_ |
Communication port B |
0x400_ |
Communication port C |
0x800_ |
Communication port D |