EtherCAT slave (slave only)

The EtherCAT Slave tab provides information such as the NetId of the EtherCAT slave. The functions Device State, Distributed Clocks and Explicit Device Identification can be activated on this tab. The Advanced Settings for the EtherCAT slave can also be accessed via this tab.

EtherCAT slave (slave only) 1:




Physical interface.


NetId of the EtherCAT device. The NetId is required for the ADS communication with the EtherCAT device.


If the Map Device Status checkbox is enabled, additional inputs and outputs are added in the tree view. This function can be used for EtherCAT slave diagnostics.


If the Enable Synchronization checkbox is enabled, the distributed clocks function is enabled.


The Advanced Settings button opens a further window with additional EtherCAT slave settings.


At this point an identification number for the EtherCAT slave can be allocated, so that it can be swapped with another EtherCAT slave during operation ("hot connect").

Ensures unambiguous identification of a device. In case of exchange the current address must be stored again in the replacement device.


This button can be used to find and link physical interfaces, if not already done automatically.