7382, HpfDsl: Parameter access error, Id=0xXX, Cmd=II, RID=0xXX, Offset=II, Len=II, LongMsgErrorCode=0xXX

Encoder paramteter access error:

Id=0x01..0x08: Internal error
Id=0x09: Error while accessing RID, see 'Long message error codes'

Long message error codes:
0x4010 Resource address not installed in the encoder
0x4011 Incorrect length for resource access given
0x4012 Incorrect length for direct resource access given
0x4013 Offset address too high
0x4014 Invalid offset address
0x4015 Invalid "long message" characteristic
0x4016 Missing offset address
0x4110 Write access not possible
0x4111 Read access not possible
0x4112 Write access denied
0x4113 Read access denied
0x4114 Write access for direct resource access denied
0x4210 Resource database entry damaged
0x4211 Time overrun during resource access
0x4212 Internal processing error during resource access
0x4311 File name was not found
0x4312 Invalid address for file access
0x4313 File size may not be altered
0x4314 Memory location for files full
0x4315 File allocation table damaged
0x4316 No file loaded for action
0x4317 File exists with the same name

Diagnostic Code (Hex.)

Diagnostic Code (Dez.)






Feedback error

Standard Reaction


Nc handling

Execute Reset-Command (Fault reset).

Internal: 0x7382, HpfDsl: Parameter access error, Id=0x%X, Cmd=%d, RID=0x%X, Offset=%d, Len=%d, LongMsgErrorCode=0x%X