Further Information
- 0000, No Error
- 5190, Test 5V supply failed
- 5193, Need cold start
- 5194, Obsolete bootloader detected. Please update.
- 5195, Something went wrong during the last firmware update. Please try again.
- 5196, The hardware isn't supported by this firmware.
- 5580, Read failure EEPROM
- 5581, Checksum failure EEPROM
- 5582, EEPROM contains blank Data
- 5583, Unexpected EEPROM
- 5584, EEPROM contains blank Data
- 5585, Unexpected EEPROM
- 5586, Restored Errormessages from persistent memory
- 5587, The internal eeprom data synchronization (Id=0xXX) failed!
- 5590, Detected incompatible Pcb
- 5591, Identity incompatible to a Pcb
- 5592, FirmwareIndex is incompatible to this Firmware
- 5593, Structure Version is incompatible to this Firmware
- 5594, Simulating persistent data features.
- 5596, Storing of persistent data failed.
- 5597, Unsupported prototype hardware.
- 5598, Identity incompatible to Device
- 5599, Identity incompatible to a Device
- 559A, Read failure EEPROM
- 559B, Unsupported Pcb type
- 589C, Read failure EEPROM
- 589D, Prototype hardware might not be supported with actual safety firmware
- 6180, Internal Software Error Type A
- 6181, Internal Software Error Type B
- 6182, Internal Software Error Type C
- 6190, Init Timeout
- 6382, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Slot is empty.
- 6383, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Double Feedback Selection.
- 6384, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Slot has to be empty.
- 6385, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Unsupported Module.
- 63B0, Module in slot II: Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
- 63B1, Module in slot II: Transition Safe-Op to Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
- 63B2, Module in slot II: Transition Op to Safe-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
- 63B3, Module in slot II: Transition Safe-Op to Pre-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
- 63B4, Illegal Slotconfiguration. The selected feedback combination is not supported.
- 8180, System restart or sync lost
- 8181, Lost Distributed clocks Sync
- 8186, Invalid sync out unit configuration. Actual value is 0xXX and has to be 0xXX.
- A000, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Length Error.
- A001, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Address Error.
- A002, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Settings Error.
- A003, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Address Range overlap.
- A004, Sync Manager is disabled and has a Size unequal zero.
- A005, Sync Manager Address is not multiple of 4.
- A00B, Dynamic Sync Manager Address is not multiple of 4.
- A00C, Dynamic Sync Manager Address Range overlap.
- A00D, Dynamic Sync Manager Settings Error.
- A00E, Dynamic Sync Manager Address Error.
- A00F, Dynamic Sync Manager Length Error.
- A010, SDO Complete Access Error: Object 0xXX/XX, SDO Abortcode 0xXX
- A011, Pdo Mapping Error: Unable to map Object (not possible).
- A013, Pdo Mapping Error: Double Mapping of Object.
- A015, Pdo Mapping Error: Unable to map Object (no Mappings left).
- A017, Pdo Mapping Error: Object has to be mapped always.
- A019, Pdo Mapping Error: Object has to be mapped because of modes of operation.
- A01B, Pdo BitMapping Error: Object A is not next to Object B.
- A01D, Pdo BitMapping Error: Can not Transform Bit-Mappings to Byte-Mappings.
- A01F, Pdo Mapping Error: Invalid Oversampling Factor.
- A021, Pdo Mapping Error: Oversampling is not allowed.
- A023, Pdo Assignment Error
- A031, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Unable to map Object (not possible).
- A033, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Double Mapping of Object.
- A035, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Unable to map Object (no Mappings left).
- A037, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Object has to be mapped always.
- A039, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Object has to be mapped because of modes of operation.
- A03B, DynPdo BitMapping Warning: Object A is not next to Object B.
- A03D, DynPdo BitMapping Warning: Can not Transform Bit-Mappings to Byte-Mappings.
- A03F, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Invalid Oversampling Factor.
- A041, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Oversampling is not allowed.
- A043, DynPdo Assignment Warning
- A080, Safe-Op is not possible because the local TwinCAT Runtime is in ConfigMode.
- A081, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Safetycard not detected.
- A082, EtherCAT Slave Stack Error:
- FFFD, Debug firmware, replace "As soon as possible"!
- FFFF, Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
- 559E, Unsupported Pcb type
- 6183, FPU Exception, FPU status 0xXX