The "NC Feed constant" [1] is required to define the scaling between drive and logical axis; NC, NC-I. It indicates how much stroke is generated by one motor revolution and is therefore dependent on the mechanics which are attached to the motor or gear shaft.
In the following screenshot a spindle with 20 mm pitch and a gear with a speed increasing ratio of 10 is configured. The "NC Feed constant" therefore amounts to 2mm/motor rotation.
In addition, the "Max NC jog speed" [2] of the NC can be limited for a linear application.
If you click on the floppy disk symbol [3], the "NC Feed constant" [1], the "Drive rotational position resolution" and the "Max NC jog speed" are transferred to the NC. The scaling is now complete.
"Load inertia (reflected on motor side)" [4], represents the mass inertia acting on the motor shaft. The value is included in the control and improves the axis behavior. "Calculate Load Inertia Manually" [5] supports you in calculating the effective mass inertia. Via the button "Identify load inertia automatically. Go to "tune drive - Advanced Tuning" for details." [6] will take you to the Advanced Tuning function.
If the value at [4] has been changed, the button "Recalculate VCtrl Kp and reset Tn" [7] appears. If this is clicked, Kp and Tn are calculated including the new value.
To protect connected gear units or mechanics from overload, the following two values can be limited:
- "Mechanical torque limit on motor" [8] = max. torque on the motor shaft.
- "Mechanical speed on motor" [9] = max. speed at the motor shaft.